Opera Lab Berlin e.V.
¡SILENCIO, POR FAVOR! // Opera Lab Berlin & Björnsson|Marx
English Theatre | International Performing Art Center
Fidicinstr. 40, 10965 BerlinMo. 15.04.2024, 20.00 Uhr
Mo. 15.04.2024, 20.00 Uhr
Mo. 15.04.2024, 20.00 Uhr
Mo. 15.04.2024, 20.00 Uhr
Mo. 15.04.2024, 20.00 Uhr
the search for silence...
Darstellende Kunst Aufführung
premiere of the show ¡SILENCIO, POR FAVOR! will be on the 27th of April, follwed by 5 more shows on the 28th | 30th | 1st | 3rd | 5th | 8pm
¡SILENCIO, POR FAVOR! The idea of absolute silence is both gratifying and threatening. Silence can be wellness or torture, a coveted resource or an absolute nightmare. But above all, it is an impossibility: “Try as we may to make a silence, we cannot”, John Cage observed after visiting an anechoic chamber and encountering not silence but the buzzing of his nervous system and the throbbing of his blood. ¡SILENCIO, POR FAVOR! initiates a search for perfect silence, knowing full well that it does not exist. Therefore, when the ensemble searches for silence, it is actually searching for sounds: sounds of everyday life, sounds of coincidence, unintended sounds and inaudible sounds that buzz through the space in the form of imperceptible frequencies. Using selected works by John Cage and Cathy van Eck and with the help of the antennae of sound artist Marta Zapparoli, Björnsson | Marx and Opera Lab create a dense mesh of music, sounds and texts, opening up a space for reflection and experience in which the ambivalence of silence is treated just as much as the contingency of our acoustic perceptions.